Month: May 2019

The Benefits of a SoCRA Membership to Develop Your Career to Expert Level

Three Interviews with Like-Minded Professionals

“The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA) is a non-profit, charitable and educational membership organization committed to providing education, certification, and networking opportunities to all persons involved in clinical research activities. SOCRA, the premier educational organization for oncology site coordinators, has now emerged as a leading educational organization for clinical researchers in all therapeutic areas, supporting industry, government and academia.”[1]

In order to know more about how this organization has helped Clinical Research Associates in their work, I’ve interviewed 3 of them.

Today’s questions are

  1. Which SoCRA courses and conferences did you attend to?
  2. What did your SoCRA membership change in your work?


  • Members generally attend the annual SoCRA conferences and the local chapters’ meetings.
  • Membership allows them to become more specialized and maintain Continuing Medical Education studies.
  • Members are able to network with other like-minded business peers and create friendships and connections, which can help the members move up in their careers.

Shobana G. Clinical Research Associate at an Academic institution

1. I attended the 2016 annual SoCRA conference and complete the courses in the SoCRA source. I also attend local chapter meetings.

2. To maintain CME (Continuing Medical Education) I have attended some workshops and courses in my institution. So it has been helpful to connect with people in institution.

Grace V. Clinical Research Associate at an Academic institution

1. I attended the 2016 annual SoCRA conference and complete the courses in the SoCRA source. I also attend local chapter meetings.

2. I feel that I became more specialized in regulatory/GCP topics. It was exceedingly helpful as a CRC (Clinical Research Coordinator) and in my current position with the DSMC (Data and Safety Monitoring Committee).

An anonymous CRA working et a Medical Device Company specilizing in Neurology device

1. I have attended a Device conference through SoCRA as well as several monthly local SoCRA meetings throughout the years. I have also attended SCDM (Society for Clinical Data Managemen) annual meetings to help with movement in my career.

2. More courses and I really like the quarterly magazine. The articles are helpful to open perspective on site management and study life cycle.

Do you know someone who might find this article interesting? Don’t hesitate to forward it to them! Let me know in the comments your thoughts about this important issue, and let’s learn together!

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Post reviewed by Johanna Galyen from Glowing Still

Should You Hire Certified Medical Translators?

One of the many questions I am asked all the time is, “Do medical translators need to be certified?”

The answer is NO, they don’t NEED to be certified. But if you’re looking for evidence of a translator’s PROFESSIONALISM, here’s some important things you should look for:

Professional Associations

  • ATA (American Translators Association): ATA’s 10,000 members include translators, interpreters, teachers, project managers, web and software developers, language company owners, hospitals, universities, and government agencies.
  • ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting): Founded in 1986 and with over 3,000 members, both in the UK and internationally, ITI’s members include Language Services Businesses (LSBs) who provide a range of services across a variety of languages and Corporate Education members which are higher education establishments.
  • SFT (Société Française des Traducteurs): The SFT today counts more than 1,300 members, making it the largest professional translators’ union in France. The diversity of the SFT’s membership—which includes in-house and self-employed language service providers as well as literary translators—reflects the broad range of activities found in today’s global translation market.

Such associations have a strict professional code of conduct their members must adhere to.

Personal Training

Before asking someone to translate important documents, it is important to ensure that they are sufficiently trained. I recommend asking translators if they have

  • a Master’s degree in translation or
  • significant experience as a medical staff member

You can also ask them which types of documents they usually translate and if they have a website. This information should give you a much better idea of their expertise and experience.

Preferred Requirements

Are you sure you’re not looking for an interpreter?

Medical interpreters work with oral communications, such as assisting in a conversation between two languages. Translators work with the written word.

The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters has offered certification for the last 10 years.

If you don’t know where to begin to find a translator, you can read my blog post on How to find a translator or contact me directly at

I’d be happy to help!

Do you know someone who might find this article interesting? Don’t hesitate to forward it to them! Let me know in the comments your thoughts about this important issue, and let’s learn together!

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Post reviewed by Johanna Galyen from Glowing Still